By Guest on Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Category: Uncategorized

Pet Hazards to Avoid This Holiday Season

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun. But with all the decorations and festivities comes some potential danger for your beloved pets. Here is a list of pet hazards to be aware of during the holiday season and how you can keep your pet safe. And of course, if your pet does experience an illness or injury, the team at Grand Animal Hospital is here to help! 



Food Dangers 

We all love to share delicious treats with our friends and family, but it’s important to remember that not all human food is safe for pets. For example, chocolate can be toxic for dogs and cats if consumed in large enough quantities. Other foods like onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, and anything containing xylitol should also be avoided. Be sure to store any food that could potentially harm your pet out of reach and make sure your guests are aware of the dangers as well. If your pet eats something they shouldn’t contact us right away. 


Holiday Decorations 

Most people love to decorate their homes during the holidays, but these decorations can pose risks to pets if they are not managed properly. Tinsel is especially hazardous as it can easily be swallowed by cats or dogs who may find it lying around on the floor or dangling from a tree branch. If ingested, tinsel can lead to an intestinal obstruction, which requires surgery for removal. Keep all holiday decorations away from pets where possible – including those tempting pieces of candy hanging from the Christmas tree! 


Gift Wrapping Materials 

Gift wrapping materials such as ribbons and strings can also pose a hazard for pets, so make sure you dispose of them properly after opening presents. Pets may try to eat these materials which can lead to severe digestive issues or even death in extreme cases. To ensure your pet’s safety, store gift wrapping materials in areas inaccessible to your furry friend until you have time to properly dispose of them. 



The holidays should be a fun time for everyone – including your furry friends. Taking precautions now will help ensure that everyone stays safe this season. Be mindful of potential pet hazards when celebrating the holidays so that you can enjoy them worry-free along with your beloved companion(s). With a little bit of extra care and awareness, you can make sure this holiday season is one filled with joy and safety for both people and pets alike!